10 Regional Growth Conference: A logos from Patras – oikos, polis, Ecumene

10 Regional Growth Conference A logos from Patras: oikos,polis,Ecumene

by Ambassador (R.) Alexandros P. Mallias*

I am eugnomon to the Archons of Patras for including me in this panegyric Diaskepsis. A plethora of gnome and sophia are gathered; they energize our gnosis, logos and praxis.There is no antithesis or antinomy betweenmy diplomatic praxis and this academic diatribe.I have the epignosis that my legomena,though not a catechesis, may not generate your eulogies.

The Hellenic lexicon may provide the exegesis and the autopsy of today’s ecumenical ataxia. They fully characterize the symptoms of asthenia,asphyxia and astaticism of our cosmos;of our economic,political and security systems.

The ecumenical crises immunization system is elliptic.The Pentamerous New York based Pan-Ethnic Organization’s Security Council ,the supposed stylobates of the ecumenical harmony and systemically organized nomos,cannot cope with present crises and problems. Russia’s policies are the exegesis of the paralysis.

Τhe “Pentarchy’s’ polemics and antagonistic politics and the catachresis of the veto power –as Russia does in the case of Ukraine-is at the basis of the asthenia symptoms of the U.N. Charter based ,multi-polar System.

In Ukraine, anthropotragedy and catastrophe prevail .These lexis epitomize the diagnosis of political paranoia, anachronistic polemics and pathetic policies.They are episodes of despotic apophasis and praxis of autocrats.They are the antidrome to democracy and to polymerous synergies.

The absence of anthropocentric policies, the recourse to polemos and the aposiopesis of ethnic catharsis practices and stratocratic praxis will never be the canon.They are the apostates; the apophysis of the ecumenical nomology and organized political system.The anti-systemic architects and protagonists of this political ataxia opted for apophasis and praxis that provoke political,economic and ethical epidemic sepsis .

Chaos and anthropodrama are not and will never become the antidote to political ethos and to democratic architecture.

Yet, the ecumenically organized political system failed to save the psyche of anthropos, his oikos and the catastrophe of his polis.Marioupolis,in Ukraine, is synonymous to tragedy. This results from autocratic political fanaticism and is about expanding the spheres of energy, economics, geopolitics and the dieresis or dichotomy of edaphic zones. The dramatic anthopoexodus caused by their apophasis is a pathetic catachresis. Hubris and nemesis are present in the synthesis of Marioupolis tragic rhapsody. The catharsis will follow.

We need a kinesis of political symphony and apophasis; a holistic strategy to be cemented on a panethnic economic and political synergies program.Now is the chronos for the antistrophe of the chorus of priorities. This strategy asks for European synergies. Synergies imply that our synchronized praxis have a greater total effect than the athresis of their autonomous effects.«Meta» is the dogma we now use to analyze economic and political episodes affecting “polis” and “ecumene”. «Meta» is the algorithm to solve modern problems and mysteries.It is the basic element for their analysis.

The ecumenical as well as the polis practices and policies need to think and act in mega terms if we want to avert mega tragedies.Harmony per se will not fix mechanically the ecumenical chaos. Restoring the politics and economics of «metron» with anthropocentric policies as their basis is the absolute necessity.

I expect that politics and politicians,at “oikos-system”, “polis-system ” and “ecumene” will put “politis” at the centre of politics. Politics are synonymous to idiocy if they just serve the interests of politicians. If symmetry is not restored at “oikos” and “polis”, the anastrophe of the ecumenical system will remain an exercise in futility. The «olon» is the synthesis of the individual atoms.The same thesis stands the other way around. When the “olon” degenerates the atoms are dispersed in ataxia. This is a characteristic hysteresis of our cosmos.

I epilogize by emphasizing that: restoring symmetry, political geometry and ethical harmony as the theme of the anthropocentric ecumenical system is the proklesis of the meta epoch.

Archons of politics, economics,skepsis and episteme,of Patras I am eugnomon for the pronomion to synergize with the present diaskepsis.

*former Ambassador of Greece to Washington